I'm a relatively peaceful person.  I don't eat meat.  I don't consume violent media.  I avoid killing insects. 

Escorting those fruit flies out of the house after making a smoothie is no small investment of time and it's been a while since I've gotten into any sort of physical altercation. 

That was until yesterday...

Lily and I went for a swim and as we were walking back to my car a gnarly unfixed pitbull jetted out the backseat of someone's pickup truck and started mauling Lily.  Without hesitation that anger I spoke of yesterday found an outlet for itself and I got fucking savage on that bitch.  I threw a fucking right hook and boot stomp that left that thing running with it's tail between it's legs and then some. 

Under true ahimsa I should've just let the whole scene unfold without intervening.  Yeah fucking right.  Not in this incarnation.  I already followed that whole ahimsa and martydom thing to it's ultimate fruition.  If God wanted me to do that again it would've pulled the plug on this lifetime for me in the hospital. 

Instead, I've been awakening to my divinity and reality creation abilities in the here and now.  It's not about rolling over in exchange for some illusory promise of a reward in the "afterlife".  Heaven is a place we can create ourselves on Earth in the present day. You're not going to get it handed to you later for being a good little obedient boy or girl.

Years back a friend I no longer talk to told me he poisoned a neighbors pitbull with a broken light bulb inside raw meat to protect his wife and kid.  I judged the shit out of him for that back then.  I'm far more clever and conscious to ever resort to a solution like that but after yesterday I think my judgements were overly harsh.  I love this dog with all my heart and if you come between me and her I'm getting fucking Wayne Brady on your ass.

As much as I avoid violent films nowadays I always very much identified with this scene from A History Of Violence.  The energy of anger and rage are still very present within me.  I got bullied in kindergarten and I still remember the feeling of throwing that first punch back to put them in their place.   In my teenage years my way to cope with rage was throwing and snapping skateboards or smashing glass objects in the street when I was drunk.  Nowadays a volcanic steam or long run gets the job done.  After yesterday I might start fucking with a punching bag again though.

Just like sex, suppressing that energy isn't healthy and does more damage in the long term.  I feel like we've been conditioned to do so though and told that that energy is "bad" because it scares people.  The only thing that can be "bad" is what you choose to do with it and it really comes down to consciously harnessing it into something productive or healing that doesn't unnecessarily harm others.

I always wondered what I would do at this point in my life if I found myself in a situation like that with another person.  After yesterday's event I know the answer.  Never more than what's necessary, but enough to have some insurance. 

When I start extrapolating this whole perspective when it comes to nations and politics I start to see a lot of holes  in my viewpoints.  I'm not even trying to go there right now though; one thing at a time and paying attention to things I can't control isn't pragmatic.

Side note... a grasshopper jumped on my dick yesterday. They're supposed to be good luck and I'm pretty sure that means this fella's about to get some serious recess again soon 💚  Please forgive me if I'm a little overeager when that happens; it's been a minute.  Or.... a million and a half.  Five hundred twenty five thousand ain't shit.

Lily's going to be fine.  Traumatized and punctured but the vet just gave her some painkillers and antibiotics.  No surgery or lung puncture.  I sure do love this sweet girl that just celebrated her 11th birthday the other day :)

Karate Kid is whatever btw.  3 Ninjas is what's up.

Hiya! 🥷🏼