Hey :)

I recorded this this morning.  It has your name in it so I don't want to make it public.  Password is your middle name πŸ’š You have my word I won't check stats.

I was very excited about the name Jasmine when I went to go buy my first guitar.  As you may have been able to tell from that mixtape I made you, Aladdin was my favorite movie as a child.

Trying to actually learn how to play the guitar sounds daunting but I love doing this.  If you've seen me in videos or pictures with my eyes all glazed over that's when I'm channeling healing energy or just finished doing chants in Sanskrit.  I've never done heroin but I imagine the feeling is pretty similar.  When I do the chant about you that starts around the 2-min mark it feels better than all that stuff.  Complete and utter peace.

Again... child optional :)  It takes two and this stuff is coming from realms beyond my control 🎡

That home by the beach I mentioned yesterday?  I got evicted and I'm moving out on the 30th.  I withheld rent and requested a reimbursement for constant construction noise because I was paying close to $3k/month and it was advertised as a "serene" property.   There was no anger but I was very direct and the lessor here kicked me out by e-mail without a willingness to even have a conversation.

I feel very connected to the land and natural environment here but I can't say I've meshed well with many people; especially those that own property.  I really love the cashiers at the health food stores though.  They're the best.

I'm putting my stuff in storage and heading to the mountains to camp out in my Jeep.  I got a ton of creative work done at this apartment but now I'm being called back to the wilderness.  Part of getting a bigger place was thinking I'd maybe hear from you by Lion's Gate too and since that didn't happen it's time to get nimble again.

I've been getting visions for a long term plan.  There's beautiful property here I viewed when I first arrived and it seems that's part of it.  It turned out to be owned by a psychologist in the prison system and I really want to transmute that land into something of a much higher intention.  Dude owns three consecutive properties and doesn't even live on this island.  Abundance is great but greed, prisons, and psychology... not so much.

I'm not Hindu or into robes but I've been very inspired by Robert Hansen, a.k.a. Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.  He's a white ballet dancer from the states that created one of the most beautiful manmade places on Earth I've ever visited.  That dude's eyes glazed over and he had mystical visions and experiences with ascended masters too.  Google his birth name though?  The first result that comes up is for a serial killer with the same name.  πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 'Merica

If robe dude gave away his power he totally could've ended up in a psych hospital.  Look at what beauty he created through his experiences instead though.

Also, remember all that Pleiadian stuff I talked about?  I didn't realize until after a week or two of moving here that the one place on the planet I felt called to move to ended up being right where the Hawaiian Star Visitor Sanctuary is.   Not an accident ;)

I'm going to prevent myself from writing a novel again but just wanted to share some things quickly.  If you're actually seeing any of this stuff I feel like sharing my raw energy might be helpful for you; so here's some more video.

If you need me I'll be with Pele and FernGully πŸŒ‹ πŸŒΏ 

Love you πŸ’š