Growing up I always thought sex and God were things that were completely at odds with each other.

For generations organized religions had programmed people to believe there was something inherently bad or dirty about it; masturbation included.  Sex was also treated with such seriousness and fear that most of what was taught was about avoiding pregnancy and STDs. 

Once you completely break free from that matrix it's easy to see why those that seek to control people would want to make sexuality such a primary target though.  It's an extremely powerful force.

An orgasm is one of the closest experiences to God you can have.  

When indulged in consciously, it also has the power to create far more than a newborn child.

If sex work were made legal nationwide I guarantee there would be drug dealers and bars going out of business and that would be a positive thing for everyone.  From personal experience I can also tell you that private video calls with women on Chaturbate provided me with far more real healing than any therapist with a PhD ever did.  At one fifth the price with no swiping on Tinder or cotton swabs in funny places required either.

Making love is incredibly sacred. I'm also very much a monogomist these days.  Sometimes stepping stones are required though and no one should have to feel an extra layer of fear or guilt on top of whatever immense pain they may already be feeling in the midst of that process.

As fun of an experiment as it may sound, no...  I don't think a giant global orgy is going to solve all our problems overnight; but people are hurting and we need to start being more open-minded when it comes to solutions.  There's a reason for the pattern of priests, gurus, and bigwigs committing abuse.  Where there's repression there will also be distortions accompanied by violent eruptions.

This song came to me while driving cross country in 2023 as I had been working through some of this stuff.  I'm sharing it here for the sake of it maybe helping other people...

If there's anything I'm embarrassed about it's how much of a mess my old car was during that part of the trip.  When eruptions occur you also don't start rapping about making love.  I think we all know what this one is about.

If you're someone out there that's in serious emotional pain; the next time you start pulling up that therapist on speed-dial or reaching for another ice cold brewski try switching on that webcam instead and moving your mouse over to the left side.  As far as stepping stones go, boy howdy, let me tell you.  Please be very respectful and tip well in the process though; they're doing God's work out there.  I also wish you the best with the process of jumping to the next stone by leaving it behind and forgiving yourself.  I guarantee you will come out the other end healed and transformed.

Spiritual doesn't mean non sexual.  It's quite the opposite for me.  Awakening also doesn't mean that you're perfect yet either.  I mean, why else would we still even be in a body?