I have began exclusively using the term lessor recently.  Anyone that exploits the fuck out of people on a monthly basis should never be referred to as a lord.  

I owned a condo in Rockaway Beach before moving to Hawaii and renting again.  I lost count of the amount of apartments and lessors I had in New York before finally making that elusive down payment.  There’s not one lessor I can remember being like, oh man, what a nice, generous, and interesting person I would love to spend some time with and contribute to being a steward of this land.  There was always a feeling of, this is my only option and I hate paying more of this person’s mortgage than I should have to.  I really do not like being oppressed by them but I want a place to call home already.  The rent’s too damn high guy was always right.

Short term Airbnb’s I’ve always loved (for the most part).  Storage facilities are a gift from God.  Long term renting seems like a major scam though unless you have a super good deal or you have so much money that it doesn’t matter.

This is Karan Sangha.... 

He has a home with a guest house in Hawaii and a second home in Arizona.  I entered into a month-to-month lease agreement with him for an apartment that was listed with "Serene" as the first descriptor.  It was surrounded by a beautiful garden with giant stone sculptures of Buddha and Hindu deities.  A lotus pond and a yoga room just for me too.  Dude, completely my vibe and the architecture was beautiful.

That place turned out to be noisy as fuck.  For weeks I woke up to a bunch of construction dudes on ladders directly outside my windows making noise and playing music on their phone while they were repainting the house.  All of the three neighboring houses had some form of construction going on.  Bulldozers.  Electric saws.  Hammers.  You name it. 

Karan called me a pussy for not wanting to do yard work.  That's when I realized, oh, this dude just straight up bought this place and the previous owner must have put their heart and soul into this thing.

When he left to go to his second home in Arizona he tried to have me bringing garbage for the guest house Airbnb to the dump.  Because, “that’s what a good neighbor does”.  I politely said fuck that, I am not your neighbor I am a well paying customer.

After my brand new Jeep was in the shop eight times and I was entitled to reimbursements from Chrysler, I was like dude, why the fuck am I not getting a rental reimbursement for all this noise?  This is nowhere near serene and I've been paying almost $3k/mo.

That’s when I withheld rent and asked for a partial reimbursement before paying another month.  Upon doing so I also realized that in our lease he stipulated an illegal $150/day late fee that he acknowledged he intentionally put in the lease as a “deterrent for the very behavior I am exhibiting”.   The max you can legally charge in Hawaii is 8%, what he was asking ends up being 152%. 

He gaslit me and insinuated that I’m imagining things.  He downplayed the construction crew he had present.  He tried to play victim and say he doesn't get reimbursed for the neighbors noise either.  Dude, you get a ton of bread when you sell your equity that was paid for with my rent plus a nice profit it on top.  Suck it up and take some responsibility here.  I'm paying $3k purely for an experience that was advertised as serene and you're blowing it.  There's no way I'm paying again until we agree on a partial reimbursement for these first few months. I just sold some Aesop soap on Ebay that leaked because USPS was handling that shit like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura.  I sent a fucking discount and took the loss in two seconds.  That's what you do. 

For merely trying to hold him accountable, he proceeded to tell me he did not want any negative energy at his home.  Lol.  Just feel the energy in that photo of him above.  Do I need to even say anything?

He refused to have a zoom call to settle the matter via a real face to face human conversation.  If he had the courage to have that conversation with me I think he may have disintegrated into dust upon hearing the calm utterance of truth.  Instead, he just kicked me via e-mail because he didn't want to deal with this "nonsense". Of course, he ended up taking my full deposits.  In hindsight I could've stayed past the end of the month.  Apparently the cops don't really evict people here but that's not my style and I don't like to rest my head where I'm not welcome.  I'd rather go sleep in my car in peace.

I don't like drama.  I don't like focusing on the negative.  There has been something really refreshing lately about letting it out though and actually naming names.  I feel like I'm being encouraged by my guides to do so too.  I've always been the person to be like, whatever, it's not worth my time to dwell on this anymore.  I'm resourceful and I find a solution no matter what.  Money's not what I'm ultimately after anyway and focusing my attention on what's next seems more pragmatic.

But dude, fuck this guy and every bully like him.  Big time. 

I'm done lining these people's pockets.  That's what that game I referred to as "don't feed the reptiles" is all about.

In that Zoo song I've mentioned in another post there are two more lyrics that talk about him.  The lines go like this...

        Got two houses, lookin like Nosferatu
        Took my deposit, let it go that's what I do

I mean, the resemblance is uncanny.... 

I contemplated buying this at Home Depot and putting it on his lawn but he's not even here and that seemed cruel.  It's clear I haven't actually let this go yet but I think making this post and that song will help.  This dude is also clearly an archetype for all those lessors I let myself be taken advantage of by all those years and he's catching even more heat because of that.  There were a handful of seemingly thoughtful things he did but ultimately I think most of that was just a form of grooming.  I know that energy well and it doesn't take words to recognize it.

This whole tango with Mr. Vamper has served a purpose.  I've heard other spiritual people that seem more advanced than me talk about doing "Gridwork".  I don't know exactly what they mean but I think that's kind of what I'm doing in all these places I'm traveling to.  I go and dance and laugh my ass off.  I do some yoga.  I pray.  I have some wanks that are so good I sometimes faint.  I goof around.  I chant.  In the process that positive energy I'm putting out is cleansing and eradicating whatever low frequency junk may be lurking in that area.  Raising the frequency of that particular part of Earth's grid.  Best fucking job ever, but so far it's a major loss on the money side.  That will turn around soon enough though.

I came across a video of Chappelle talking about a monster lately.  I've encountered it many times and now that I know it's true identity the goal is to fucking slay that thing.

I'm not going to go into my lengthy commentary on that in this post but I feel like that's what these last few days have been leading up to.  I have a whole lot to say about it and I'm totally on my run away to Africa shit like Chappelle.  I'm a Pleiadian starseed with Leumrian heritage so I ended up on this group of islands currently referred to as Hawaii.  From my understanding, the OG name was The Land of Mu.  That remembrance is unfolding more and more by the day.

Stay tuned for the next post about my take on what Dave was talking about in that clip.  Bonus points if you know what video game the thumbnail is from.  It was my favorite growing up.


Update:  I just heard Karan listed the home for sale after he booted me.  Mission accomplished 🌐 ?  

Lily and I will be waiting in my Jeep for our next assignment 👼🏻