It has been 576 days since I started talking publicly.  The count of social media posts and creative projects is in the hundreds.  There have been many ignored e-mails and DMs.

For the most part it feels like I've been blowing a dog whistle this entire time but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop speaking the truth.  I know there are people out there with ultrasonic hearing that can do something actionable too.  Like buttons aren't cutting it.

The first of seven works from my Pondered Through The Seasons project is live...

This is important.  Like, really important.  Especially the second and third videos.

I am not interested in subtlety for the sake of artistic merit.  There has been and still is some straight up Nazi Germany type stuff happening on this planet with people forcibly injecting innocent human beings with psychotropic poison against their will.  Labeling it lawful, medicine, psychiatry, or protocol will never change that fact and it is a symptom of a much larger underlying issue humanity is facing. 

I'm doing far more than my part.

What about you?