
Last year I wrote a bunch of ideas for potential projects in my journal. Some film related; most not. One of the film ideas is the one mentioned above. The thought of Donnie Darko didn’t even cross my mind until an overwhelming amount of synchronicities started occurring in my life in the following months and they haven't stopped since.

After the one in Oslo, that’s when I started thinking it would be rad to collaborate with @richardkelly_28064212 on it. Donnie Darko was masterfully done and anyone that made that film must have an interest in real mysticism. At that point I had relegated everything film related to the back burner but I put it out to the universe to provide guidance for which creative ideas I should actually be pursuing.

Fast forward a few months when I’m not even thinking about any of this stuff and that bell tower literally stopped me in my tracks. I didn’t have my phone out yet for that part so what you hear above is filmed the day after to help illustrate the sequence of events that unfolded. I took out my phone once I heard the song in the pet store though and you can see the exact 10am 🔔 time stamp.

There are a few reasons for sharing this...

1 - I’m hoping Richard is smart enough to not even bother checking his DM’s and maybe tagging him in this post will catch his attention to do so. I had a nice hour plus conversation with the collaborator of his I mentioned but they’re no longer in touch and I’m not an "agent guy".

2 - I noticed he's directed a few ads. If any of my followers from that world know him, please let him know what's up and that this isn't a joke or a display of my After Effects skills.

3 - Synchronicities are meaningful. They’re not just some random occurrence and once you start learning how to harness them they become an incredible tool. What people in mental health fields pathologize as “ideas of reference” is an integral part of my operating system as a human being and I have many things to be thankful for because of them.

I’m going to make a longer post about that at a later time but for now this also gives me an opportunity to paste a few excerpts from my DM that could be helpful for others (see below)...

Alternate realities. Non-linear experiences of time. Undeniable synchronicities. Confrontations with darkness. Surrender and dissolution into the absolute. Sound familiar?

The way our society and mental health system treats non-ordinary states of consciousness is severely archaic. I consider it to be a major human rights issue.

Myself, along with all the gifted healers I’ve come to know personally would all be labeled schizophrenic by most psychiatrists if we were 100% honest with them about what we were capable of doing with our consciousness.

As a result of the collection of mystical experiences I’ve had, I also now have a deep understanding of how images, stories, and films influence the reality we are all collectively generating. Yes, I said generating :)

I find the impact of this truth to be far more important than carbon emissions or global warming.

The global mental health and addiction crisis is deeply intertwined with people not understanding the true nature of reality as well.

“Schizophrenic” and “psychotic” are two of the most feared and stigmatized words in modern society. The people who carry these labels are also amongst the most marginalized groups of people known to man.

The fear surrounding these words is also preventing massive amounts of people from exploring their consciousness and discovering their spiritual gifts. Feeling safe to do so and understanding the fact that there is no single “objective external reality” is a crucial step in doing so.

I’m interested in truth and love above all else. I intend to use film as a medium to dispel fear, lift barricades, and create a positive impact on the world.

All I have is my lived experience, knowledge about how consciousness actually works, a title, and a log line for a narrative feature…

Schizophrenics Save The Planet

In a world where more people are beginning to awaken to the multidimensional and “holographic" nature of reality; people previously diagnosed with psychotic disorders are nurtured to become gifted healers, shamans, and mystics that usher in a new golden era of humanity. Love. Unity. Peace. And, oh yeah, can’t forget extraterrestrial light beings 😉

I know it sounds like a super heavy topic but I think the tone could have playful and fun aspects too. A lot of mysticism is simply about putting out good vibes and positive energy. In the same way people make space travel films and consult with people from NASA; I think it would be rad to make a film consulting with folks that are real explorers of consciousness without the use of drugs. I know a few personally that are the real deal too and totally grounded at the same time.

Hank Corwin was a big inspiration of mine when I was younger and you're likely familiar with The Big Short. Well, my life kinda feels like that right now. I can’t unsee what I’ve seen and I’m essentially “shorting” the whole western material view of reality in both my personal and professional life. Money isn’t the goal here though, it’s merely a byproduct.

I imagine being involved on more of a high level producing and creative consulting basis. Maybe more. It’s not about “my” story; it’s about making something that expands people’s ideas about what reality really is, is entertaining, and gives a glimpse into what the future holds for this planet.