
This is the clip the opening dialogue to that song “Just A Word” was sampled from. It wasn’t until very recently I noticed the statue in the background. I honestly don’t know much about Buddha but if he was an awakened being I guarantee you he saw things that others didn’t and would giggle at the idea of an objective world. I also imagine if he was self-realized he knew he was God witnessing an experience of a self inside a body. There can be a fine line between becoming Ram Dass or Ram Dass’ brother when you start experiencing that truth directly though (Ram Dass’s brother was institutionalized.) The medical system isn’t exactly rolling out the rudraksha and creating a nurturing pathway to become like Ram though.

@drsportelli Dude, we need to talk. You're spreading false information, prescribing people poison, and using spirituality as a prop in the process.

Your intentions do not change that fact.

Please let me explain why I chose to edit together those particular quotes of yours into my song...

Schizophrenia and psychosis are just words.

There is no such thing as an objective world.

Seeing things others don’t isn’t an illness.

Spirituality is based in the heart, not the mind. The heart doesn’t operate from a place of logic or linearity

I am God and so is everyone else.

I am here to change the world.

Transforming the idea of something being an illness into something that is a power humans have to create reality on an individual and collective level sounds like it could accomplish that.

When people are continuously having experiences where their reality doesn’t match someone elses, the failure to take a step back and consider the fact that maybe that’s actually an inherent part of our design as humans sounds like a fixed false belief if I’ve ever heard one.

We are reality creators and the truth is grand.

I couldn’t believe it when I stumbled upon the illustration in slide three. It was drawn over 55 years ago by psychiatrist Stanislov Grof during med school. I channeled the song first thinking it was some new idea but turns out people have known about this issue for over half a century. How is this not a bigger issue today?

The mental health and addiction crisis we are facing is rooted in a lack of understanding of the spiritual and multidimensional nature of reality; particularly when it comes to people suffering from a medical diagnosis of a psychotic disorder. Videos like the one of yours above are contributing to keeping our society frozen in an outdated model of what this whole human experience is.

@drsportelli I fundamentally disagree with your entire profession and model of reality but we seem to share some common ground.

We both skateboard, surf, make music, drive wranglers, and spread aloha 🤙🏻🤙🏻. I also made a movie that just got released about the dude that designed that Live Simply shirt you’re posting on your Instagram (check my post from yesterday.)

The implications of this are exponentially more severe, but if this were surfing, dude, you’re dropping in on people left and right and don’t even realize what you’re doing.

You have chosen to put yourself in a position of influence and that comes with great responsibility. I’m a man of peace but we need to talk and this is not a joke.

Please email me to schedule a visit sometime so I can share my knowledge and lived experience with you.

Mahalo 💛