Link Different

Price: $888,888

Materials: Colored pencil on paper

Dimensions: 9" x 12"

Created: 2022


The Story: Steve Jobs. The epitome of success to many.

After all his accomplishments and hard work he distributed a single book at his funeral. It had nothing to do with technology (at least in the way we traditionally think about it).  You know what it was?

Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography Of A Yogi. 

Iโ€™ve never read it myself but considering Yogananda's whole deal was about self-realization I think Steve's choice of a parting message speaks volumes.  

I wonder if he finally had that experience for himself as he was saying "Oh wow" on his death bed?

At one point in time I was receiving insights from Yogananda as a spirit guide but it's been a minute since I've heard from him.  My ego thinks I might have done something to piss him off or disappoint him.  Abandonment issues, am I right?

Anyways, Steve was only 56 when he died of cancer.

I mean no disrespect and I have the utmost compassion for his suffering but personally I don't find that aspirational at all.

I've been in the presence of dedicated yogis and surfers in their senior years and that's what I seek.  Health, vibrance, longevity, and a loving heart.

I operate from a knowing that disease is an external manifestation stemming from internal conflict and accumulation of negative energy.  I'm not joking when I say I've witnessed people that have healed from cancer with lifestyle changes and healing prayers of forgiveness.  Sometimes with only the latter.

I used to laugh when I heard about those people in all white claiming miracles.  Turns out spiritual healing exists.  Period. After seeing what I've seen my ears start to perk up when I hear those magic words pseudoscience.

In my editor days I did high profile campaigns for big tech companies claiming to save the world.  Microsoft.  Google.  Rivian.  Yada yada yada.

They can think different all they want but they're never truly going to do that.

I see their approaches as shell games in many ways and I've been vocal to prior clients about that fact.

They could populate every square inch of entire galaxies with artificial intelligence trying to calculate the meaning of life like an equation but they'll never get to the real answer.  It would end up very disappointing just like in that Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy scene.

Only when you take some time to breathe, reflect, and contemplate the nature of the force that will provide the energy and space for humanity to partake in that silly experiment is when you start getting to the truth. 

Ultimately, that truth is love and it's something that exists within the space of our heart.

That space is limitless and it's something that we're all interconnected through.  Not just with each other but with the entirety of existence.

If we want freedom, peace, health, and prosperity then that's where we need to start taking action from. 

The human mind is highly compromised and it's what got us into all the problems that this planet and it's people are facing.  It's never going to be what leads us on a path out of them.

I'm transmitting this message across the world via my MacBook Pro thanks to Steve Jobs and Apple.  They've played their part in something much larger that is unfolding but now it's time to level up and evolve.

It's time to start giving ourselves the Heimlich on that bite we took out of the apple and realize we fucked up.

Truth, unity, and surrender to a higher power are the only paths to freedom and prosperity for all.  Not some new gadget or software thought up by the mind of a human ego.

We've still got time before it's too late and we've gone full Thelma & Louise.  People need to start speaking up and dropping out though; pulling that e-brake no matter the personal cost.

Steve, thank you for everything ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Yogananda, baby come back ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป  

I hope and think I have both your blessings on this one ๐Ÿ˜‰

Link Different  ๐Ÿ’š ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿงก โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’™ 

Notes:  All of the artwork I'm offering for sale is incredibly meaningful to me. Prices are based on what I would actually consider trading it for.

In this case it would be $888,888 for my Mom and Dad.  They're living purely off Social Security in the den and basement of my childhood home that has now become my sister's family's house.  They deserve far better than that for everything they've given me and my two sisters.  They're such generous people and they've given their entire lives to us.  I owe everything to them and I love them dearly.

My father did well enough for a Long Island home with an in ground pool when I was growing up but he got laid off from a multi-decade career at Chase when I was a teenager and never found solid footing again.  They're relatively happy and healthy but they're too old to be cooped up in a house full of young kids again.

Northport can get ritzy but I'm from East Northport and there's a difference.

Part of the reason I stayed chasing that money through editing longer than I should have was feeling like I was the only one that had a real shot in getting them out of that situation one day; especially as they approach their 70s.  Being the only son I put a lot of pressure on myself in that regard too.  People are lining up left and right for the types of opportunities I had and to step away from the day rate I could get as an editor seemed selfish.  I also sacrificed so much to get to that point.  Playing fair and having no interest in employing others only takes you so far in that world though and I had to call an audible for much larger reasons.  What good would that next evolution of my career be if I'm contributing to things that don't align with my values and I'm making myself unwell in the process?  I don't want to end up like Steve.

The price is the price for this drawing because 8 represents the infinite nature of the heart and Stripe can't go into the millions.  My Pops recently mentioned a housing development in Commack that's right by a baseball field where he dreams of playing games with all his grandkids.  The way he described the scene was so sweet and I want nothing more than to buy him a home there and cut the rest of the dough to them for a proper retirement. 

Talk about Link Different; while this hadn't personally been my favorite channelled drawing of the bunch aesthetically it is by far my most meaningful intention with the proceeds from a sale and that has caused my fondness for it to grow immensly.  I want this for them more than I want any of that other stuff for myself.  All I can do is trust that there are people out there that can actually recognize what I'm doing with my life and art.  I've risked and given everything for this stuff and to me the value of truth transcends all.

I don't do analytics on my site.  I don't get any feedback.  I don't even talk to many people other than my parents nowadays.  I'm just following my heart until more people catch up so we can start having that credit scroll party like in Mario Kart.

Tax and shipping are included in price.  Please contact me if you'd like to pay with a method other than Stripe.

Peace, love, mahalo, and hug your parents.