"Psychotic Patient" Draws Shiva

Price: $108,000

Materials: Colored pencil on paper

 8 β…œ" x 5 ΒΌ "

Created: 2019


The Story: I never studied spirituality before I started having direct experiences.  The only spiritual book I fully "read" was the Tao Te Ching as an audiobook on YouTube.  Without naming names, there's one other spiritual book I attempted to read and it made little sense to me.  The inner dialogue was, what is this dude talking about and why is he speaking in riddles so much?

Through my own contemplation and the grace of mystical visions bestowed upon me I independently came to the conclusion and knowing that the highest form of existence, i.e. God, is essentially infinite blissful nothingness.  In the same way a pixel is completely willing to instantly become any which of the 16.7 million colors you desire, God is kind of like a 3d infinite version of that.  The infinitely loving nothingness that provides the energy and space for physical forms to come into existence within.

It's not white like in this drawing.  Nothingness doesn't have a color but if anything black would actually be the closest visual representation.

White is how it felt though. 

Clean.  Pristine. Completely and utterly peaceful.

This was also drawn inside the walls of that psych ward on 77th street in Manhattan.  My first night there I was up the entire night in a state of trance confronting all the gnarliest and darkest acts human beings are capable of committing...

MK Ultra?  The answer is love.

Hitler?  The answer is love.

Pedophilia? The answer is love.

School shooters?  The answer is love.

Satan himself? The answer is love.

It was like being in the eye of a never ending hurricane.  The box on the right represents that hurricane of all the fear based thoughts and energy that are driving the actions of much of humanity today.

The box on the left represents that eye of the hurricane where I was resting comfortably.  I was in a state of complete surrender and bliss cycling through and witnessing all those atrocious acts of humanity and emitting my love to them through the center of my palms.  

I'm certain the nurse taking down my information once I finally got a bedroom upstairs could feel the energy that was flowing through me.  In the midst of that state of channeling I would calmly answer her questions for her clipboard as she sat in a chair in the corner of the room. At one point under her breath I heard her quietly exclaim the words... Jesus.

Speaking of that dude, I'm pretty sure his presence was with me back then.  Thanks again man πŸ’›

I could physically see the negative energy present in the room.  It looked wavy like heat rising off the road on a hot summers day. A pentagram even made a guest appearance and that fear based energy was trying to deceive me into behaving otherwise but I was completely untouchable in the place of serenity that I had found.

I can't believe I'm about to do this but the four seconds where they say that line  "In my place, in my place" in that Coldplay song actually brings up the feeling and lights up my heart.

A year or so prior to my experience in the hospital I had a mystical vision where I actually saw a human physical form split open to reveal the boundless loving non-existence that was encasing it.  In the hospital is where I was being invited to step up by dissolving into that nothingness and become it.  That's exactly what I did.

It wasn't until years later I discovered Shiva means "That which is not.  Boundless nonexistence".  I heard one particular chant in Sanskrit for the first time and tears of relief started flowing down my face.  Upon looking up it's translation it described exactly what I had seen and experienced.  I have now also learned that in Polynesian spiritual traditions they call that void Te Kore.

Artists will go to great lengths to express themselves. They'll go to Palestine and spray paint walls.  They'll tightrope walk between skyscrapers.  If I must say so myself, it's pretty absurd what it took to make this work and not end up a vegetable in the process.

That said, clearly the most groundbreaking and ego transcending act I've committed here is admitting that I've listened to Coldplay and liked it.  In that regard, I'm not sure I'll ever be surpassed by another independent artist.  

Shit, I just remembered that Action Bronson song.  Whatever...

Chris, I'd be humbled it if you bought this work. My Dad really loves your music and I've come to realize there's something very innocent and pure about that.  If he ever asks me to watch that DVD with him again I think I'm actually going to get down this time.  And dude, Yellow really means nothing?!

True Intelligence has zero questions.  Zero problems to solve.  Algorithms? Yeah right. 

It's too busy basking in the glory of being itself.

It's pure.  It's infinite. It's love.

It's something that exists inside all of us.

Notes: All of the artwork I'm offering for sale is incredibly meaningful to me.  Prices are based on what I would actually consider trading it for.  I have been shedding material possessions left and right but this is about acquiring things for the sake of having new experiences and doing new things creatively.  In this case that is a custom converted Blue Bird school bus.  I want to design and build the bus in Hawaii then travel on the mainland in it with a fellow artist.  This amount would cover that entire process.  I'm a perfectionist and can be a bit obsessive so I like making up arbitrary constraints and forcing myself to stay within their bounds.  Otherwise, I may just go on forever.  I want it to be special and I like the number 108. So does that dude Shiva, so $108k it is!

Please know the condition of all of the artwork I'm offering is also imperfect.  They have travelled around the world with me.  They have been in and out of frames and matte boards.  What you see pictured is their current day actual condition but there may be some imperfections or weathering that cannot be perceived through the photos.  I think it adds to their character and significance but I want to be transparent about that.

Tax and shipping are included in price.  Please contact me if you'd like to pay with a method other than Stripe.
