"Psychotic Patient" Draws The New Earth

Price: $999,000

Materials: Colored pencil on paper

 8 ⅜" x 5 ¼ "

Created: 2019


The Story:  I gave my life for this one.  At least, what I thought was my life.  

This was drawn inside the walls of a psych ward in the wake of a profound spiritual awakening.  At the time I didn't even know what a spiritual awakening was.  I merely had a deep longing and commitment to understanding the ultimate truths about the nature of existence and God opened a back door portal for me in the most unsuspecting of places.  The very last room at the end of the hall of a psych ward on 77th street in Manhattan.

I had profound mystical experiences inside those walls.  From my understanding, pretty much the most profound ones a person could ever have. 

It's where I finally found out what I really am behind the curtain of this whole human existence.  It's an experience of self realization that cannot be taught and a knowing that cannot be shaken.

As a westerner I feel like I need to supplement the above statements with saying there was no plant medicine, psychedelics, or other substances involved.  I'm all natty bro.

This drawing is a representation of what this planet would look like if everyone was able to feel what I felt and have that same remembrance.  A fully awakened planet. 

All this stuff about New Earth and prophecies from various indigenous cultures about a major shift in human consciousness didn't really start taking root in my reality until years later.  Same deal with anything about about star people, angels, or other higher dimensional beings.

Once I started getting tapped into that stuff I was like dude, this planetary awakening is actually happening and we've got plenty of help here.  It felt so vindicating and I became less fearful about embodying the truths I discovered again.

When people are getting all flustered trying to comprehend what air force intelligence officials mean by "interdimensional" during a congressional hearing on UAP; people like myself know exactly what he's talking about and can see the trajectory this planet is heading in from a mile away.

Just like in that Ace Ventura movie, we're kinda watching this whole thing unfold in slow mo or as an instant replay.

I didn't realize until posting this that this was also drawn a short walk away from John Lennon's apartment at The Dakota building and the Imagine mosaic in Central Park.  This drawing is not about that song.  This drawing and that song are about a shared longing that many of us on this planet share.  The phrase "I'm not the only one" brings warmth to my heart and gets me choked up as I'm writing this.

In order for us to make this awakened planet a reality, we need to imagine it first.  That's what this drawing is all about and it's my favorite one I've ever made.

It will be difficult for me to let it go but it's time for me to do so in service of what I'm being called to do next.  I truly hope it finds a loving home and I may want to visit it from time to time if the purchaser would allow :)

Love, peace, and ♾️.

Notes: All of the artwork I'm offering for sale is incredibly meaningful to me.  Prices are based on what I would actually consider trading it for.  I have been shedding material posessions left and right but this is about acquiring things for the sake of having new experiences and doing new things creatively.  In this case that is a home I've viewed that is exactly $999,000.  I have a vision for something incredibly beautiful.  I've been very inspired by the Kauai Hindu Monastery and Yogananda's meditation garden in Encinitas.  This amount would give me a hefty down payment with some runway.

Please know the condition of all of the artwork I'm offering is also imperfect.  They have travelled around the world with me.  They have been in and out of frames and matte boards.  What you see pictured is their current day actual condition but there may be some imperfections or weathering that cannot be perceived through the photos.  I think it adds to their character and significance but I want to be transparent about that.

When I sell this drawing I plan to dress up in a tutu and capture a portrait of me doing a victory dance at my new home on large format film.  Just like in that Jim Carrey movie with the mental hospital scene I referenced earlier.  Whoever purchases this drawing has first look on purchasing the single framed print.  You're also invited to dress up and be a background extra.  If we know each other personally or professionally I reserve the right to refuse that courtesy on a case by case basis.

Tax and shipping are included in price.  Please contact me if you'd like to pay with a method other than Stripe.
