Talk To The Hand

Price: $555,000

Materials: Colored pencil on paper

 8 ⅜" x 5 ¼ "

Created: 2019


The Story:  There is a place in the center of the palm that can emit energy.  I don't know how.  I don't know why.  But it exists.  I've never seen it with my eyes.  But I've experienced it.  I've felt it.  I've employed it.

Those illustrations of saints emitting light from their palms is based on something real.  The abhayamudra is also one of the most powerful things in existence.

At a certain point of mystical initiation one has to descend into the underworld.   Your palms can be one of your best friends when you find yourself there.

For me that journey was like deep sea diving without scuba gear.  My palms and what they represented were like an extra long snorkel that allowed me to breathe in fresh air from the surface no matter the circumstance or distance.

They represented my eternal connection to absolute fearlessness.  A divine portal for protection and a vessel for emitting pure love.

Prior to having an emergency therapy appointment scheduled for me which inevitably led to my voluntary hospitalization; I was sitting in a chair in my front lawn on South 5th street in Brooklyn.  My eyes were closed and I was in a trance.  My palms were open to the sun.  My attention was affixed on the energy of infinite love, i.e. God.  I was so far up there myself it felt almost as if I had become it.

There were physiological effects.  My hands were getting incredibly sweaty due to all the high frequency energy flowing through me.  I could see my pulse beating intensely in the center of my hand in a way I never did before.  My partner at the time kept feeling my palms with her hands and was very concerned about what was going on with me.

I love her and forgive her for everything.  There are other parts of the story I won't go into here and being able to articulate the intricacies of what was actually going on with me isn't something that became clear until a much later time.

This was drawn in the hospital to try to visualize what I was experiencing.  I traced my hand and did this in the cafeteria.

Back then I loved the art direction for Western Edition skateboards and had some illustrations by Ian Johnson hanging in my apartment.  The radiating background was totally influenced by that but it was also how the experience really felt.  Support that dude's art too by the way.

Before taking this photo I hadn't looked at this drawing for a really long time.  I always had the other one of the abhayamudra I made out of highlighter hanging in my home.  That one was connected to a more profound personal experience, but now that I've had some distance from it all I really love this one too.  Like, a lot.  Especially the center elements.

As hard as I try, I will never be able to create this exactly as is and that's why it's so valuable to me.  Anything else would be an imitation.

Notes: All of the artwork I'm offering for sale is incredibly meaningful to me.  Prices are based on what I would actually consider trading it for.  In this case that's $555k.  $111k for each finger and the palm is on the house as always.  You're welcome ✋🏼

Tax and shipping are included in price.  Please contact me if you'd like to pay with a method other than Stripe.
